About us

We are a team of lawyers with experience in advising institutions and private companies, as well as the public sector, with a recognized professional practice in international organizations, regulatory design, and the processing of laws and regulations, and in academia.
This allows us to generate rigorous and cutting-edge legal solutions that respond to the social changes occurring in civil society, the private sector, and the public sector, both at the national and international levels.

Claudia Sarmiento Ramírez

Claudia Sarmiento Ramírez 


Educational Background:
Lawyer, University of Chile, 2007
Graduated with highest honors.
Master of Laws (LLM) in Legal Theory, New York University, 2011-2012.
Intensive course on 'Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Theory and Practice' at Abo Akademi, Turku, Finland, 2008.

Languages: Spanish and English.

Career: Upon graduating from the Faculty, Claudia worked at the Human Rights Center of the University of Chile, where she served as a researcher and editor for the Human Rights Yearbook. Claudia has been a guest lecturer at the Department of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile.
After completing her studies at the Faculty of Law of New York University, Claudia served as the Chief Lawyer of the Legal Reforms Department at the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity. Later, she worked as a legal-legislative advisor at the Legal Division of the Ministry of the Presidency.
Claudia has also been a guest lecturer at the Department of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile and is currently a Constitutional Law Professor at the Alberto Hurtado University. Alongside Elisa Walker, she is the Co-Director of the Diploma Program on Strategies for Diversity and Inclusion Management at the Adolfo Ibáñez University.
Claudia has various publications related to international law, gender theory, and constitutional law. She is a member of the Bar Association and Libertades Públicas (Public Liberties).

Elisa Walker Echenique

Elisa Walker Echenique


Educational Background:
Lawyer, University of Chile, 2006.
Graduated with highest honors.
Master of Laws (LLM) in Innovation, Technology, and Law, University of Edinburgh, 2009-2010.
Master of Arts (MA) in Political Philosophy and Law, University College London (UCL), 2011-2012.

Languages: Spanish and English.

Career: Upon graduating from the Faculty, Elisa worked as a legal-legislative advisor at the Legal Division of the Ministry of the Presidency. From 2008 to 2012, she lived in the United Kingdom, where she pursued her postgraduate studies. From 2014 to 2017, she worked as a legal advisor at the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity. From 2017 to 2018, she was part of the cabinet of the Minister of Labor and Social Security.
Elisa has been a professor of intellectual property and political philosophy at the Faculty of Law of the Adolfo Ibáñez University. She has also taught intellectual property in diploma and master's programs at various universities in the country. Alongside Claudia Sarmiento, she is the Co-Director of the Diploma Program on Strategies for Diversity and Inclusion Management at the Adolfo Ibáñez University.
Elisa has various publications on intellectual property, including books and articles in specialized journals. She is a Councilor of the Bar Association and a member of Libertades Públicas (Public Liberties).

William García Machmar

William García Machmar


Educational Background:
Lawyer from the University of Chile (2007).
Graduated with highest honors.
Master's in Law, Public Law Mention, University of Chile (2011).
Master of Laws (LLM), New York University (2011-2012).

Languages: Spanish and English.

PProfessionally, he has worked in the Legal-Legislative Division of the Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency, first as an advisor (2006-2010) and later as Head of the Division (2014-2018). Between 2010 and 2014, he served as an advisor to Minister Carlos Carmona at the Constitutional Court and as a researcher at the Regulation and Competition Center of the University of Chile (RegCom). Since 2018, he has been practicing as a legal advisor and consultant.
He is the Director of Casa de Moneda de Chile S.A.
William is also a Professor of Administrative Law at Diego Portales University and the author of various publications on civil liability, competition law, administrative sanctions, public service, public assets, and subsidies (grants, aid, scholarships, etc.).

Tomás Mackeney

Tomás Mackeney Beltrán


Educational Background:
Lawyer, University of Chile (2008)

Languages: Spanish and English.

Tomás began his professional career at the law firm "Bofill Mir & Álvarez Hinzpeter Jana" in 2008. He then embarked on a distinguished career in the public sector, serving as a lawyer for the Legal Division of the Comptroller General of the Republic (2011), assistant lawyer to Constitutional Court Justice Gonzalo García Pino (2011-13), chief of legal advisors to the Minister of National Defense (2014), and legal advisor to the Minister of the Interior and Public Security (2015-18). After joining the law firm "Bascuñán, Barra, Awad, Contreras y Schurmann" in 2018, he assumed the role of Chief of Staff to the Comptroller General of the Republic (2019-23).

Sebastián Winter Del Bosco

Sebastián Winter Del Bosco


Educational Background:
Lawyer, Pontifical Catholic University (2021).
Course in Constitutional Litigation, University of Chile.

Languages: Spanish and English.

Sebastián was elected as vice president of the Student Center of Law at the Catholic University (2017). In 2018, he served as vice president of the Student Federation of the Catholic University, after being elected. Upon graduation, he completed an internship at Albagli y Zaliasnik law firm (2020) in the areas of civil litigation and administrative law. He worked on the defense of the Constitutional Accusation against Minister Silvana Donoso (2020). He served as an Advisor to Constitutional Expert Council; Domingo Lovera (2023).

Fernanda Montero Umbach

Fernanda Montero Umbach


Educational Background:

Lawyer, Diego Portales University (2022).

Languages: Spanish and English.

Career: Fernanda joined our firm as a legal assistant and later became an associate after obtaining her degree. She has served as a teaching assistant in Constitutional Law courses at Alberto Hurtado University and has contributed to publications in the constitutional law field.

Joaquín Gálvez Iriarte

Joaquín Gálvez Iriarte


Educational Background:
Lawyer, Pontifical Catholic University (2019).
Diploma in Litigation in Sanctioning Administrative Law, University of Chile.
Course in Environmental Law, Management Instruments - New Trends, University of Chile.

Languages: Spanish and English.

Joaquín served as the president of the Student Center of Law at the Catholic University (2017). He was an associate lawyer at the Aylwin, Mendoza, Luksic y Valencia law firm (2021) and at the Balbontín, Linazasoro, Correa, Bown y Cía law firm (2022).